Solarif Matchmaker helps you to sell or buy solar energy projects more easily

Investor or developer/owner? We give you access to the market!

Our background and experience as specialists in the field of solar energy has created strong relationships with investors, EPCs and project developers. You can take advantage of this by buying or selling your project in the most efficient way. We create a project profile for every project that is registered with us and an investor profile is produced for each investor we work with. We then match a project profile with the investment profiles of our potential investors. In the event of a match, the potential investor is informed of the match. As an investor you will therefore only be approached in the event of a match. This method provides an effective and efficient process for both the project developer/owner and the investor. Lean and mean.

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The process and the right match

Our advanced, active matching software helps us to quickly find the right investor for your project. Your project is matched to investor(s) with the right investment profile through our software. We do not lose sight of the human factor. Matches are assessed by us and as an investor you will be actively approached in the event of a “match”. If the investor confirms their interest, we will put the project developer/owner and the investor in touch with each other, followed by introduction and negotiations.

No cure – no pay

Our Matchmaker service works on a ‘no cure – no pay’ basis. Signing up is free.  At the outset, our succes fee will be set out in a Matchmaker agreement with the investor. Our success fee is based on a fixed amount per MW in the case of a project under development or a fixed percentage of the purchase price in the case of an operational PV installation/ portfolio. And if no deal is made in the end? You pay nothing. No cure – no pay.